So the hunt has started the teams our out on the hill oosh. Next up we have DJ Lindo on the decks from 1600 and awesome sausage sizzle bbq and we will be calling the raffle at 1800 amazing prizes to be won. Then tonight be a marmot, celebrate the awakening of ground squirrel friends with our infamous end of hibernation party tonight from 22h with the legendary Mikey Gray. Free shots for anyone carrying or wearing something marmot.

OK still some spaces for teams to enter, registration accepted tomorrow morning from 9-11am race morning at the marmot min 3 peeps 5 € a person includes free pint and raffle ticket. Amazing raffle prizes as well, skis, boards, hotel rooms, clothing, goggles and much more tickets on sale come win some shit and raise some money. Then tomorrow night from 22:00 The Marmots are out so celebrate in true marmot style End Of Hibernation party with Live Music from Mikey Gray cheap booze wear a marmot, bring a marmot or be a marmot!! Free shots for anything marmotty xx

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